Jad El-Khatib

Web Applications Developer

About Me


  My Name is Jad El-Khatib, and I'm currently a web applications developer at the College of Engineering at the University of Michigan (CoE). Born and raised in Ann Arbor Michigan to Syrian parents, my family had a feeling that I would have a future in computing at a young age. Shortly after grade school, I studied Computer Science at Eastern Michigan University. I did this while working with my family at our family owned Bakery. We encountered many hardships during this time but we pulled through and I managed to complete my schooling as well as create my very first substantial project. I created AGOSS (A Game of Some Sort) to challenge myself and to test all of my learnings from my education with a real world use. I managed to create a game that included features such as custom save and mapping systems. This gave me the confidence I needed to branch out from the family business and to move on with my professional career.

  Since then, I worked at both the Univerisity of Michigan ITS (Campus wide IT) and the College of Engineering IT departments (CoE). At ITS, I was challenged to help design and create a system that would be used by the UofM Ann Arbor, and could’ve possibly branched out to other UofM campuses. Unfortunatly, just like many other projects in the space, the project had been put on the shelf as covid had taken much of the focus on campus. It was after this experience that I moved to the College of Engineering.

  Here at the CoE, I write and maintain many applications and web apps that are used by many departments. Possibly, the most noteworthy project that I had been assigned to, was the Performance review system. This web application is used by a couple other schools in addition to the CoE, making it my furthest reaching project thus far. I hope to continue to hone my skills as a coder and to one day reach many more people with my work and efforts.